This is an Official Statistics Publication

As of 1st October 2019, NHS Education for Scotland (NES) has taken responsibility for some national workforce data, statistical & intelligence functions. NHS Education for Scotland (NES) is NHSScotland’s education and training body. It is the authoritative source of information on the people who work for NHSScotland. NES became an accredited provider of Official Statistics in December 2019 and as such this release is produced in accordance with UK Statistics Authority’s Code of Practice for Statistics. NES voluntarily applied the Code of Practice for Statistics for the publication released on 3 December 2019.

1 Executive Summary

As at 31 March 2024:

2 Introduction

Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) provide essential assessment, care and treatment of children and young people (and their parents/carers) who are experiencing serious mental health problems. CAMHS are usually delivered by multi-disciplinary teams, including psychiatrists, psychologists, nurses, social workers, child and adolescent therapists and others (see the Glossary for descriptions). They also have an important role in supporting the mental health capability of the wider network of children’s services.

Significant funding has been invested in CAMHS since 2009 for workforce and trainee expansion. Further information on CAMHS can be found in the background information .This report presents the following information in relation to CAMHS services as at 31 March 2024:

Workforce figures are presented as headcount (actual numbers of staff) and whole-time equivalent (WTE), which adjusts the figures to take account of part-time working. This information is used by NES, the Scottish Government and NHS Boards to support local, regional and national workforce planning; to support educational training and planning; and to track the Scottish Government’s investment in the expansion of CAMHS workforce and training numbers. The source data are collected and verified by CAMHS lead clinicians using the National CAMHS Workforce Information Database held centrally at NSS. NHS Education for Scotland work closely with these clinicians to ensure a high level of accuracy. Workforce information is shown as at the current census date and is available annually at September census dates from 2006. Quarterly information is available from March 2011 onwards.

In conjunction with this report, comprehensive workforce data at 31 March 2024 are shared across the following outputs:

2.1 Dashboards

  • The CAMHS workforce dashboard presents quarterly data on staff in post in NHSScotland CAMHS and information on staff in training and vacancies. These report data from 2006, as well as data from an initial pilot collection in 2005.

  • The dashboards include staff WTE and headcount, WTE per 100,000 of the population, psychiatric inpatient hours, target age, area of work, gender, contract type, grade, contract term, absence, age, employee turnover, vacancies and staff in training in the workforce. Staff in post data are available as chart visuals or tables. Via the CAMHS Workforce Dashboards, users can quickly gauge shifts in trends and draw comparisons across NHS Boards and regions.

2.2 Data tables

The CAMHS workforce data tables presents quarterly data on staff in post in NHSScotland CAMHS and information on staff in training and vacancies. This includes data from 2006, as well as data from an initial pilot collection in 2005.

  • Supplementary long term trend data for staff in post and trainees.

  • Quarterly updates to staff in post tables.

  • Quarterly updates to vacancies tables.

A full list of the data published and a timetable of future releases are available on our webpages.

2.3 Terms used in this document

Workforce statistics are routinely reported as headcount and whole-time equivalent(WTE), which adjusts the headcount figure to take account of part-time working.

3 Staff in Post

3.1 Staff WTE and Headcount

There were 1,526.5 WTE (1745 Headcount) staff in post within NHSScotland CAMHS, an increase of 133.5% since 2006, 53.6% since 31 March 2016, 15.6% since last year and 1.6% since last quarterly census. Of the total staff in post, 48.7 WTE (3.2%) were on maternity/paternity leave and 23.3 WTE (1.5%) were on long term sick leave. NHSScotland CAMHS staff in post and staff in post excluding Psychiatric Inpatient hours trend is illustrated in Figure 1.

Figure 1: Trend of NHSScotland CAMHS Staff in Post (WTE)


1.Of the total staff in post, 48.7 WTE (3.2%) were on maternity/paternity leave and 23.3 WTE (1.5%) were on long term sick leave.

3.2 Region and Health Boards

Between March 2023 and March 2024, there was an increase of 26.5% WTE in the West region which includes Health Boards NHS Lanarkshire, NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde, NHS Forth Valley, NHS Dumfries and Galloway and NHS Ayrshire and Arran, an increase of 11.9% WTE in the North region, which includes NHS Grampian, NHS Highland, NHS Orkney, NHS Shetlands, NHS Tayside and NHS Western Isles and an increase of 0.2% WTE in the East region, which includes NHS Borders, NHS Fife and NHS Lothian. Figure 2 illustrates the WTE of CAMHS staff by regions trends in NHSScotland.

Figure 2. NHSScotland CAMHS staff (WTE) by Region

3.3 NHSScotland CAMHS Workforce per 100,000 of the Population

The age of the population served by CAMHS in NHSScotland vary between NHS boards. In certain NHS boards, services are provided to individuals aged up to 16 only, whilst other boards offer services to those aged up to 18 years. However, this may change in the future, as a result of recent recommendations that treatment that should be provided to young people, as required, until their eighteenth birthday. Please see background information and changes to recording of CAMHS staff group for further information.

Figure 3 illustrates the number of CAMHS staff employed per 100,000 population by region and health board as at 31 March 2024 compared to 31 March 2023 and 31 March 2016. Between March 2023 and March 2024, there was an increase of 15.6% WTE per 100,000 of the population in NHSScotland. Within the West region, the largest increase was 33.6% in NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde and 28.9% in NHS Lanarkshire. In the North region, the largest increase was 28.8% in NHS Highland and 25.2% in NHS Orkney. There was an increase of 24.3% in NHS Borders and 7.5% in NHS Fife and decrease of 4% in NHS Lothian.

Figure 3: NHSScotland CAMHS by NHS Boards (WTE per 100,000 of the population) as at 31 March 2016, 31 March 2021 and 31 March 2023 census.

1.( (March 2024 data are based on 2021 mid population estimate))

4 Characteristics of the Workforce

This section provides information about the characteristics of the workforce. For more detailed information on workforce characteristics please refer to the background tables and dashboards.

4.1 Professional Group

As at 31 March 2024, three professional groups accounted for 71.9% of the WTE CAMHS workforce: Nursing (42.3%), Psychology (24.1%) and Medical (5.5%). For descriptions of each professional group and the training required to enter these professions please refer to the Summary of Professional Groups within CAMHS This is an increase of 101.2% within the Speech and Language Therapy professional group, 23% within the Nursing professional group and 4.9% within the Psychology professional group and decrease of 7.9% within the Medical professional group since last year. Of the total Nursing professional group, 82.1% worked in services excluding Psychiatric Inpatient units and 17.9% worked in Psychiatric Inpatient units. In Psychology professional group, 96.2% worked in services excluding Psychiatric Inpatient units and 3.8% worked in Psychiatric Inpatient units. In the Medical professional group, 90.8% worked in services excluding Psychiatric Inpatient units and 9.2% worked in Psychiatric Inpatient units.

Figure 4: NHSScotland CAMHS staff in post (WTE) by Professional Group

1.From September 2009, staff working at Agenda for Change Bands 2, 3 and 4 are excluded from the professional group ‘Nursing’

4.2 Age Group

The median age of staff in March 2024 census was 40. The largest number of staff employed were in the age category 35-39 (16.3%) and 30-34 (15.3%). Figure 5 illustrates the percentage of headcount of staff in post in NHSScotland CAMHS by age category. There was an increase of 30.2% in 60 and over age category since last year.

Figure 5. Staff in Post in NHSScotland CAMHS by Age category (Headcount)

4.3 Contract Type

There were 70.3% CAMHS staff working in whole-time posts and 29.7% working in part-time posts, an increase of 15% in whole-time posts and 17% in part-time posts since last year’s census. Within the Medical professional group, approximately half (56.4%) of the workforce worked part-time, compared to 45.9% in the Psychology professional group and 15.2% in the Nursing professional group.

Figure 6. NHSScotland CAMHS Staff in Post (WTE) by Contract Type

1.In accordance with data confidentiality, some of the information for the health boards have been suppressed.

4.4 Gender

Of the total NHSScotland CAMHS workforce, 1526.5 WTE (85.8%) were female staff and 208.3 WTE (13.6%) were male staff. This is an increase of 15.5% of female staff and an increase of 13.5% of male staff since last year census. The female to male ratio remains roughly the same with 6.3 in March 2024 to 6.2 in March 2023 census. Figure 7 shows NHSScotland CAMHS staff by gender working in part-time and whole-time posts. There was an increase in whole time equivalent of 20.7%of male staff working in part-time posts and an increase of working 12.2% in whole-time posts since the March 2023 census. Female staff working in part-time posts increased by 16.7% compared to an increase of 14.8% in whole-time posts since the March 2023 census.

Figure 7. NHSScotland CAMHS Staff in Post (WTE) by Gender and Contract Type

1.In accordance with data confidentiality, some of the information for the health boards have been suppressed.

4.5 Psychiatric Inpatient Hours and Community Hours

Psychiatric Inpatient units require an intense level of staffing and the NHS Boards providing this type of service take patients from across NHSScotland in addition to their own Board area. It has been recognised that CAMHS services should be offered as near to home as possible and in a number of settings, to take account of the different needs and choices of children, young people and their parents/carers, and the required intervention. This could include locations such as schools, homes and family centres, which may be perceived as less stigmatizing, as well as traditional clinical settings.The services are for the small number of children and young people who are deemed to be at greatest risk of rapidly declining mental health or serious self-harm and/or who require a period of intensive input for the purposes of assessment and/or treatment. CAMHS Tier Model illustrates a detailed description of services provided in Psychiatric Inpatient units. NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde, NHS Tayside and NHS Lothian contain regional Psychiatric Inpatient Units in NHSScotland CAMHS.

Figure 8 illustrates the trend of Staff in Post (WTE) of Psychiatric Inpatient hours and excluding Psychiatric Inpatient hours since Jun 2012.At 31 March 2024, 86.1% of staff worked for service areas excluding Psychiatric Inpatient hours and 13.9% worked for service areas including Psychiatric Inpatient hours. This is an increase of 31.5% in staff in post for service areas with Psychiatric Inpatient hours and 13.4% in staff in post for service areas excluding Psychiatric Inpatient Hours since March 2023 census.

Figure 8: NHSScotland CAMHS (WTE) by Psychiatric Inpatient Hours and Community hours since June 2012


1. Three NHS Boards host regional Psychiatric Inpatient units: NHS Lothian, NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde and NHS Tayside.
2. An audit is being carried out to determine the accuracy of Psychiatric Inpatient hours data for NHS Lothian.

4.6 Employee Turnover

For the year ending 31 March 2024, the employee turnover rate for headcount was 16.2%. The West region had 19% turnover rate, North region had 14.3% and East region had 13.1% turnover rate. Since year ending 31 March 2023 census, new appointments increased from 458 headcount to 472 (3.1%) and leavers decreased from 254 to 245 headcount (3.5%) within NHS Scotland CAMHS services. Figure 9 illustrates overall trend of appointments, leavers and turnover rate since year ending March 2012 census.

Figure 9: NHSScotland CAMHS Employee Turnover (Headcount) and Turnover Rate (%) since year ending March 2012 census


1.There were missing National Insurance numbers for certain members of staff. These records are not included in the analysis.

5 Vacancies

There were 79.1 WTE vacancies advertised which is a decrease of 50.3% vacancies since March 2023 census. 35.5% of vacancies were in the Psychology professional group,33.4% of vacancies were in the Nursing professional group and 8.2% were in the Occupational Therapy professional group. Of the total vacancies advertised, 65.1% were advertised for less than 3 months, 17.8% were advertised for 3-6 months and 17.1% were advertised for more than 6 months. A further 21 WTE were approved for recruitment but not yet advertised and 11.5 WTE were sent for approval. Of the total 79.1 WTE vacancies advertised, 25.3% (20 WTE) were advertised as new posts, 70.3% (55.6 WTE) were advertised as replacement posts,0.6 % (0.5 WTE) were advertised as Maternity/Paternity cover, 1.3% (1WTE) were advertised as secondment posts and 2.5% (2WTE) were advertised as Other category. The total vacancy rate of 4.9% has decreased compared to 6.1% for the last quarterly census and 10.8% for last year’s census. The Nursing vacancy rate was 3.9%, a decrease from 10.2% since last year’s census. Psychology vacancy rate was 7.1%, a decrease from 15.5% and 2.4% vacancy rate for the Medical Professional group, a decrease from 5.7% from last year.

Figure 10 illustrates the quarterly trend for total vacancies and vacancy rates.

Figure 10: NHSScotland CAMHS Vacant posts and in the process of being advertised (WTE) and Vacancy rates (%)

1.Due to Covid-19 pandemic, data on vacancies as at 31 March 2020 were not reported due to additional demand this would place on colleagues at NHS Boards.
2.The vacancy information can only be provided from September 2011 onwards as, prior to this,data quality was not of a standard that could be published.
3.Not all services always provide vacancy information for each quarter. Therefore, there may be additional vacancies that were being advertised at the census date not included in the data shown

6 Staff in Training

There are currently 101 staff in training in NHSScotland on CAMHS associated courses: 34 on the CAMHS Aligned DClinPsych, 37 on the MSc in Applied Psychology for Children and Young People, 25 in Medical Psychiatry Level 4, and five in Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy. The number of individuals in training on these courses is shown for quarterly census dates since March 2017 in Figure 11 below and in the background tables and dashboards.

Figure 11: Staff in training in NHSScotland on CAMHS associated courses (Headcount) between March 2017 and March 2024.


1.In order to meet strategic priorities, CAMHS Aligned D Clin Psych posts are CAMHS-aligned Doctorate in Clinical Psychology training posts, funded by the Scottish Government.
2.Staff in Training data for each of the courses shown in Table 12 are only available from the 31 March 2017 census date onwards. A breakdown of staff in training by NHS Board is only available from March 2018 for Medical Psychiatry Level 4, and June 2018 onwards for the remaining courses.
3.Medical Psychiatry Level 4 Trainees are recorded under the NHS Board they are parent educated by, however all Medical Psychiatry Level 4 Trainees are employed by NHS Grampian.
4. As at 30 Sep 2021, a headcount of 23 were training on the new NES Adult Enhanced Psychological Practice (EPP) course.

Further information on Nursing and Medical training paths can be found in the Summary of Training Courses. Further information on psychology intakes is available in the Psychology Workforce publication

7 Glossary

Agenda for Change (AfC)

The national pay system for NHS Workforce excluding doctors, dentists and very senior managers. There are 9 Pay Bands within AfC, each of which contains a number of pay points. NHS staff will normally progress to the next pay point annually until they reach the top of the pay point.

Area of Work

The specialty area that a clinician works in. See below for descriptions of each of these:


There are 9 Pay Bands within AfC, each of which contains a number of pay points. NHS staff will normally progress to the next pay point annually until they reach the top of the pay point.


Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services provided by NHSScotland. Services are provided by teams of clinicians including psychiatrists, mental health nurses, clinical psychologists, occupational therapists and other allied health professionals. These services are based mainly in outpatient clinics and in the community. Children and young people The people served by CAMHS. Some areas provide services for all those under 18, while others offer services to those over 16 only if they are in full time education (for more detail see the Age of Service Provision).


Term used in calculating NHS Scotland workforce information to describe total filled and vacant posts. Establishment is calculated by adding the number of staff in post to the number of vacant posts.


The actual number of individuals working within NHS Scotland. The Scotland figures eliminate any double counting that may exist as a result of an employee holding more than one post.

HEAT standards

A set of standards agreed between the Scottish Government and NHS Scotland relating to Health Improvement, Efficiency, Access or Treatment (HEAT).


Information Services Division


Local Authority Contract


National Education for Scotland


NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde

Target Age

The age group of patients seen by a clinician. For example, some practitioners may work primarily with early years (0 - 4 year olds) whereas others may work in a service that mainly supports adolescents. While some practitioners specialise in working with a specific target age, others work across a range of ages.

Tiers of service provision


A post which was vacant and being advertised for recruitment at the census date.

Whole-Time Equivalent (WTE)

The WTE adjusts headcount figures to take account of part-time working. For example, NHS Agenda for Change staff work 37.5 whole-time hours per week so a staff member working part-time at 30 hours per week would be calculated as 0.8 WTE.

8 List of Tables

Table Number Name Time Period File and Size
1-13 CAMHS Workforce Tables 2006-March 2024 Excel1KB

Note:In order to view the tables to full effect, your macro security settings will need to be set to medium. To change macro security settings use Tools, Macro, Security - set security level to Medium and re-open the report.

9 CAMHS Workforce Contacts

Data Group

Liz Jamieson Workforce Information Manager

Anita George Information Analyst Business Partner

Elizabeth Fowler Senior Information Analyst

10 Appendices

Appendix 1 - Background information

This section contains details of policies, standards and investments that are relevant to the provision of Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS), as well as details of the data collection processes used to obtain CAMHS workforce data.


The main function of CAMHS is to develop and deliver services for those children and young people (and their parents/carers) who are experiencing serious mental health problems. They also have an important role in supporting the mental health capability of the wider network of children’s services. CAMHS are usually delivered by multidisciplinary teams including nurses, psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers and others.

Developments in mental health care within CAMHS have been driven by a series of reports and policy recommendations:

CAMHS Financial Investment (2009)

Commitment of additional central government funding for CAMHS workforce development for Tier 4 (this includes intensive outreach services, day units and inpatient units. These are generally services for the small number of patients who are deemed to be at the greatest risk) and for psychology.

CAMHS Financial Investment (2016)

An extra £54m was made available to improve access to mental health services. This additional investment should improve access to psychological therapies for all ages including for children and adolescent’s mental health services. The £54m investment will provide £24.7m over 4 years for NHS Boards to improve capacity to see more people more quickly. A further £4.8m over 4 years to provide, through Healthcare Improvement Scotland, in-depth improvement support that will help NHS Boards to redesign their services to be more efficient and effective and sustainable. ISD are a partner in this programme of work providing data, analytical and intelligence support working closely with NHS Boards. £24.6m is for workforce development to improve workforce supply and train existing staff to deliver children and young people services as well as psychological therapies for all ages. This will include funding to back fill staff who are released for training and for salaries for new staff.

Children & Young People’s Mental Health Task Force funding (2018)

The Taskforce was set up with a lifespan of two years, with the aim of ensuring that the mental health needs of children and young people receive the attention and priority that was agreed by the Scottish Government and the Convention of Scottish Local Authorities (COSLA). It recommended that a significant proportion of the additional £5m allocated to support its work should be invested in CAMHS teams to reduce pressure on the system and to support capacity building in early intervention. This funding should be sustained across the lifetime of the Taskforce and beyond if required.

CAMHS Workforce: Data Collection

CAMHS Workforce Data have been collected and verified by CAMHS lead clinicians working within NHS Boards using the National CAMHS Workforce Information Database held centrally at National Services Scotland (NSS) since 2005. This is a web based Oracle database that is used to capture data on all staff delivering clinical care in specialist CAMHS within NHS Scotland. NES work closely with the lead clinicians to ensure a high level of data accuracy. An initial pilot of the data was held in 2005 to gather CAMHS workforce information with developmental data collected and used to build accuracy and completeness from 2006. Data were published annually at 30 September census dates until March 2011 when quarterly reporting began. The workforce data are collected and quality checked through engagement with CAMHS lead clinicians and NHS Education for Scotland.

CAMHS Tier Model

CAMHS Professional Groups and Training courses

Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) are delivered by multi-disciplinary teams of professionals. This document gives descriptions of the different professional groups involved in CAMHS delivery, as well as a summary of some of the training courses which involve undertaking CAMHS placements.

Professional Groups

CAMHS Training Courses

Changes to recording of CAMHS staff groups

It is important to take into account the information in the table below when comparing trends across previous years for the NHS Boards stated. Further explanation is given below.

NHS Board Date Change Implemented Reason
NHS Lanarkshire March 2012 Youth Counsellors now included.Increase of 18
NHS Dumfries and Galloway April 2012 Substance Misuse Mental Health Workers no longer included.Decrease of 5
NHS Highland April 2012 CAMHS Primary Mental Health Workers are Highland Council employees, not NHSScotland.n=11
NHS Lothian June 2013 Lothian Paediatric Psychology & Liaison Service (PPALS) workforce is no longer counted under CAMHS.Decrease of 4
NHS Grampian March 2013 Health Psychologists previously managed within CAMHS are now managed by Combined Child Health services.Decrease of 5
NHS Fife December 2017 Following a data quality exercise, 10.3 WTE psychology staff are no longer recorded under NHS Fife CAMHS workforce as they work in child and adolescent psychology services based and managed outwith NHS Fife CAMHS.Decrease of 11
NHS GG&C March 2018 Following the closure of the NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde Treatment Foster Care service, 2 headcount and 2.4 WTE of staff have been redeployed outwith CAMH Services. These staff were included in the 31st March 2018 census date figures

NHS Ayrshire and Arran: This NHS Board operates CAMHS services plus separate Child & Adolescent Psychology Services which are managed separately from CAMHS.

NHS Lanarkshire: Additional investment has occurred in NHS Lanarkshire on the back of a planned significant restructure in mental health. Lanarkshire Youth Counselling Service has been brought under the strategic and management control of the CAMHS Service in order to align and extend the current service provision, to expand the services co-ordinated provision across Tier 2, early intervention services. Youth Counsellors have not previously been recorded in the CAMHS workforce database but as at March 2012 are now appropriately included with the service redesign and re-organisation.

NHS Dumfries & Galloway: From 1 April 2012 NHS Dumfries & Galloway CAMHS substance misuse mental health workers (headcount = 5 at the time) sit within a separate sub-team; Child and Adolescent substance service, CASS. Therefore, these staff are no longer included in the data from 1 April 2012.

NHS Highland: NHS Highland is working towards developing an integrated model of health and social care resulting in staff transferring between both organisations. From 1 April 2012, as part of the new Highland Lead Agency structure, CAMHS Primary Mental Health Workers are Highland Council employees, not NHSScotland.

NHS Lothian: As at 31 March 2016, NHS Lothian CAMHS teaching staff data are not complete. Full data will be updated when available. From 1 June 2013 some of NHS Lothian Paediatric Psychology & Liaison Service (PPALS) workforce are no longer counted under CAMHS.

NHS Grampian: From March 2013 a joint decision has been reached between CAMHS and Combined Child Health Services that 5 Health Psychologists who were previously managed within NHS Grampian CAMHS are now to be managed by NHS Grampian Combined Child Health services. They will therefore not now appear on the CAMHS database.

Age of Service Provision

NHSScotland CAMHS vary in the age of population served. In some areas services are provided up to 16 only, while others offer services up to 18 years. This has significant implications for workforce requirements. Please see the table below for details.

NHSScotland CAMH Service Age Provision by NHS Board

NHS Board Service Age Provision
Ayrshire & Arran Up to 18th birthday if still in full time education.
Borders Up to 18th birthday.
Dumfries & Galloway Up to 18th birthday but occasionally beyond. Child Clinical Psychology Service: up to 18th birthday provided in full-time secondary education (not tertiary i.e. not college), up to 16 if not in school.
Fife Up to 18th birthday.
Forth Valley Core CAMHS is up to 18th birthday, Learning Disabilities CAMHS is up to 16th birthday.
Grampian Up to 18th birthday.
Greater Glasgow & Clyde Up to 18th birthday across all services.
Highland Up to 18th birthday if in full-time secondary education otherwise up to age 16 years. Learning Disabilities CAMHS up to 19th birthday provided still in full-time education.
Lanarkshire Tier 3 Child & Family Clinic Teams: up to 16th birthday, up to 18th birthday if referred before 16th birthday or at a point before 18th birthday when it is suitable to discharge them (currently under review). CAMHS Learning Disabilities, Primary Mental Health & CAMHS for Accommodated Young People (CAYP) Teams: up to 18th birthday.
Lothian Up to 18th birthday across all areas.
Orkney Up to 18th birthday.
Shetland Up to 18th year if in full time education and up to 16th year if not in full time education
Tayside Up to 18th birthday provided in full-time secondary education (not tertiary i.e. not college). Learning Disability up to 18 years
Western Up to 18th birthday.

This information may be subject to change in future as a result of recent recommendations that support and treatment should be provided to young people, as required, until their eighteenth birthday.

Related Publications

The Psychology Workforce Publication includes information on Psychology staff working with children and adolescents.

Appendix 2 - Early access details

Pre-Release Access

Under terms of the “Pre-Release Access to Official Statistics (Scotland) Order 2008”, NES is obliged to publish information on those receiving Pre-Release Access (“Pre-Release Access” refers to statistics in their final form prior to publication). The standard maximum Pre-Release Access is five working days. Shown below are details of those receiving standard Pre-Release Access.

Standard Pre-Release Access:

Early Access for Management Information

These statistics will also have been made available to those who needed access to ‘Management Information’ i.e. as part of the delivery of health and care.

Mental Health Intelligence groups including: