Quarter ending 31 March 2022
Official Statistics
Published: 07 June 2022
This release by NHS Education for Scotland (NES) provides a quarterly update, as at 31 March 2022. This includes the number of staff directly employed by NHSScotland and the number of vacant posts there were for nursing and midwifery staff, allied health professions, and medical and dental consultants. When describing the size of a particular staff group figures are presented either as headcount (actual number of staff) or whole time equivalent (WTE) which adjusts the headcount to take account of part time working.
Information on staff directly employed is sourced from each NHS Board’s human resources and payroll systems. These are dynamic, operational systems and data can change over time. Work is undertaken with NHS Boards to improve data quality and previously published information may change from one publication to the next to reflect these improvements.
The next release of this publication will be 6 September 2022.
Publications prior to 3 December 2019 can be accessed via the ISD Workforce publication page.