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About our publications

Assessment against the Code of Practice

February 2025

We have now restarted this process and are currently gathering evidence and documentation. As part of this we will again be reaching out to stakeholders and suppliers but if you would you would like to be involved in this please let us know, either by contacting us through or contact the OSR at

August 2022

Our statistics have recently undergone an assessment by the Office for Statistics Regulation (OSR). The assessment was related to a potential designation of the statistics as National Statistics. In light of NES’ plans to further develop our data and publications the OSR have decided to pause the assessment process. You can read their letter outlining their findings here. If you would like any further information about this outcome you can contact us at, or contact the OSR at

We would like to extend our warmest thanks to all data suppliers and users who provided feedback to the OSR in support of the assessment process.


NHS Education for Scotland is responsible for the production of three official statistics publications:

  • NHSScotland Workforce 
  • Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services Workforce in NHSScotland
  • Psychology Services Workforce in NHSScotland

These publications report employment and training data for different workforce groups and are released quarterly. The data provided are used to support local, regional and national workforce planning and to support planning for education and training.

The information available in the publications are derived from different systems but adhere to the same definitions as far as reasonably possible.

The NHSScotland Workforce publication provides information on all staff directly employed by NHSScotland and covers a wide range of staff groups.

The Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) Workforce and Psychology Services Workforce publications report information for the CAMHS and Psychology services in NHSScotland respectively. These data are collected in bespoke systems which allows more detailed occupation information to be reported.

There are some groups of staff who are included in more than one publication as explained below.

NHS Education for Scotland follows the Code of Practice for Statistics to ensure each publication meets the standards required.

View the latest publications.