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Publication timetable

We pre-announce all our forthcoming publications in line with the code of practice. Below are details of the publications to be released over the next year with a note of what data will be updated.

Release date: 13 August 2024 (latest census: 31 Mar 2024)

NHSScotland Workforce

Revised publication timetable

As you may be aware, from the first of April 2024 NHS Agenda for Change staff saw a reduction in their working week from 37.5 hours to 37 hours. The process to update the contracted and conditioned hours for this change in Scottish Workforce Information Standard System (SWISS) was carried out prior to the NES Data Group taking the March extract. After taking the extract, we became aware that the update had not worked as expected and as a result, the Whole Time Equivalent (WTE) calculations were incorrect. After investigating the issue alongside Atos and NSS, it was discovered the error was due to the full employee records not feeding through to SWISS from the Workforce Intelligence Repository (WIR) database. Atos are currently working to implement a fix.

Please note, no other data has been impacted. Therefore, whilst we carry out necessary investigation and work to calculate the WTE for the March census, we will be doing a phased release for the publication this quarter with data as at 31 March 2024. We expect this data to be released in two phases.

Update 16 July 2024: 

Following further investigations, we are now able to release Phase 2 of the NHSScotland Workforce Statistics including Whole Time Equivalent (WTE) on 13 August 2024.  This will report on staff who were employed by NHSScotland as at 31 March 2024.

As accurate WTE data is unavailable for the March census,

  • If the employment began before 29 February 2024 and was still present in the March census, we will report the WTE as at 29 February 2024.
  • If the employment began after 29 February 2024, we will report the WTE as at 30 April 2024.
  • For the very small number of employments which were only present in the data as at 31 March 2024, we will report the WTE as at 31 March 2024

A full methodology, with estimated impact, will be released alongside the publication.

Phase 2 will consist of:

  • NHS Scotland workforce dashboard
    • Employment figures with WTE and breakdown of whole time/part time contracts
    • Turnover calculations including WTE
    • Vacancy rates
    • Sickness absence
  • NHS Scotland workforce annual report
  • National Treatment Centre (Official statistics in development)
    • Dashboard employment figures including WTE


Release date: 3 Sep 2024 (latest census: 30 Jun 2024)

Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services Workforce in NHSScotland

  • Quarterly summary report
  • Staff in post and vacancies

Psychology Services Workforce in NHSScotland

  • Quarterly summary report
  • Staff in post and vacancies

NHSScotland Workforce

  • Quarterly summary report
  • Employment and vacancies


Release date: 3 Dec 2024 (latest census: 30 Sep 2024)

Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services Workforce in NHSScotland

  • Quarterly summary report
  • Staff in post, vacancies, and staff in training

Psychology Services Workforce in NHSScotland

  • Quarterly summary report
  • Staff in post, vacancies, staff in training, and trainee retention

NHSScotland Workforce

  • Quarterly summary report
  • Employment and vacancies
  • Pharmacy managed service employment and vacancies
  • Advanced nurse practitioners staff in post
  • Dental workforce
  • Nursing and midwifery student intakes, students in training, and student progression rates 
  • National treatment centre workforce statistics as Experimental Statistics - statistics in development


Release date: 4 Mar 2025 (latest census: 31 Dec 2024)

Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services Workforce in NHSScotland

  • Quarterly summary report
  • Staff in post and vacancies

Psychology Services Workforce in NHSScotland

  • Quarterly summary report
  • Staff in post and vacancies

NHSScotland Workforce

  • Quarterly summary report
  • Employment and vacancies


Release date: 3 Jun 2025 (latest census: 31 Mar 2025)

Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services Workforce in NHSScotland

  • Quarterly summary report and annual report
  • Staff in post, vacancies, turnover, and staff in training

Psychology Services Workforce in NHSScotland

  • Quarterly summary report and annual report
  • Staff in post, vacancies, turnover, staff in training, and trainee retention

NHSScotland Workforce