Below are a number of development plans we are working on within the team. The timelines noted are indicative and are subject to change.
Currently, the main data source of the NHS Workforce data is SWISS, which is fed by ePayroll and eESS. We are working with NSS to get our data directly from eESS.
The data that is fed through to SWISS is a subset of the data from eESS, so getting it directly from eESS will allow us to expand some reporting.
Updates to the analytical pipeline will reduce the time taken in extracting and processing the data. As the source data remains the same, we do not anticipate these changes having a large effect on the numbers reported in our database, and any differences that do arise from this will be improvements in the accuracy and timeliness of the data.
Estimated time frame June 2025
We have recently incorporated the General Practitioner headcount data into our NHS Scotland Official Statistics.
As part of the developments we would like to do is to produce numbers of joiners and leavers into these workforces, to match some of the statistics we do for the NHS Scotland workforce
Estimated time frame June 2025
To better inform our users about our current and future work we are in the process of developing a quarterly newsletter to update people on what data has been released and is planned for release.
Estimated time frame April 2025
There are an increasing number of medical grades contained within the Other/Other Grade category within our official statistics.
This grouping contains a range of grades, including OOH GPs, GPs working in practices run by NHS Boards, Clinical Fellows and other locally employed doctor grades.
Whilst we rebuild our analytical pipeline using eESS data we will look at what grades are being grouped into this category and create new groupings.
We will also examine ways to reduce the number of doctors reported where there is an unknown Specialty.
Estimated time frame June 2025
A new piece of work beginning March 2025 will assess how all NHSScotland delivering mental health services are currently recorded in the NES Data platform with the aim of producing a single source workforce report detailing all mental health services staff in NHSScotland.
Estimated time frame August 2026
The publication of the number of Clinical Nurse specialists was paused following significant data quality concerns.
Following the publication of the Review into Clinical Nurse Specialist Roles review, the NES Data group are working with colleagues in the NES Nursing, Midwifery and AHP directorate, and NHS Boards to review the specialisms that would accurately describe the CNS workforce. This work has involved conducting a census of roles currently being undertaken.
This work has allowed a list of Specialties and Sub Specialties to be created, and work is underway to first add this to the eESS HR system. Once the updates to the HR system have been completed, and NHS Boards have had the time to update their staff, we will recommence the publishing of the numbers of CNS's.
Estimated time frame: December 2025
The nationally held Public Health Workforce data is not granular enough to provide an evidence base to support workforce planning.
As a first step in the process of improving this data, the Data Group are working with The Scottish Public Health Workforce Planning and Development Group to run a Public Health Census which will be sent to the territorial boards. This will gather more detailed information on the roles and occupations of the public health workforce.