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NHSScotland Workforce (phase one) 31 March 2024

Quarter ending 31 March 2024
Official Statistics
Published: 04 June 2024

About this release

This release by NHS Education for Scotland (NES) provides phase one of the quarterly update, as at 31 March 2024. This includes the number of staff directly employed by NHS Scotland and the number of vacant posts there were for nursing and midwifery staff, allied health professions, and medical and dental consultants. When describing the size of a particular staff group figures are presented as headcount (actual number of staff).

From the first of April 2024 NHS Agenda for Change staff saw a reduction in their working week from 37.5 hours to 37 hours. The process to update the contracted and conditioned hours for this change in Scottish Workforce Information Standard System (SWISS) did not work as expected and as a result, the Whole Time Equivalent (WTE) calculations were incorrect. We are working with partner organisations to update the data and will publish this data once the updates have taken place and our investigations into this change have completed. More information about what data is available in this phase and the data we have planned for the second phase can be found on our Publication timetable.

Main Points

Total staff

  • 187,157 staff employed by NHSScotland
    +0.4% quarter change  |  +3.4% 1 year change  |  +14.0% 5 year change  |  +17.9% 10 year change

  • In the year ending 31 March 2024 there were:
    • 18,526 People who joined NHSScotland
    • 12,546 People who left NHSScotland

Turnover calculations exclude medical and dental staff who are on training grades. 


Medical and dental

  • 6,634 number of consultants (excluding Directors)
    2.5% increase over the past year

  • £129.6M spent on agency locums in the year ending 31 March 2024
    increase on the previous year

  • 451 number of consultant vacancies (headcount)
    3.6% decrease over the past year


Nursing and midwifery

  • 77,407 number of staff
    4.0% increase over the past year

  • £490.0M spent on bank and agency staff in the year ending 31 March 2024
    9.5% increase on the previous year

  • 3,382.5 number of vacancies (WTE)
    39.3% decrease over the past year


Allied health professions

  • 16,271 number of staff
    4.0% increase over the past year

  • 664.4 number of vacancies (WTE)
    35.8% decrease over the past year


Administrative service

  • 34,518 number of staff
    3.4% increase over the past year

NHS Scotland Employed Staff (31 March 2014 - 31 March 2024)


Information on staff directly employed is sourced from each NHS Board’s human resources and payroll systems. These are dynamic, operational systems and data can change over time. Work is undertaken with NHS Boards to improve data quality and previously published information may change from one publication to the next to reflect these improvements.

Further Information

The next scheduled quarterly release of this publication will be 3 September 2024. For up to date information on the release of phase two of the March census, please see the Publication timetable.

Publications prior to 3 December 2019 can be accessed via the ISD Workforce publication page.