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Use of management information on Turas Data Intelligence

Turas Data Intelligence (TDI) is the home of analytics and reports supporting workforce planning in NHS Scotland. Some of these statistics are available publicly, such as the NHS Scotland workforce official statistics, whereas others are available in a restricted area as Management Information (MI).

According to the UK Statistics Authority, MI describes aggregate information collated and used in the normal course of business to inform operational delivery, policy development or the management of organisational performance.

Generally, the MI reports supporting workforce planning are in the restricted area of TDI because they:

  • provide identifiable, sensitive information that is not appropriate for public release but is necessary to support workforce planning or data quality assurance processes;
  • have a limited audience; or
  • have not been assessed against the Code of Practice for Official Statistics

Management information is not intended for public use and as a user of MI you must ensure that onward circulation is appropriately restricted within your organisation.

There may occasionally be appropriate public uses of MI. If you wish to release publicly anything that we have shared with you as MI, you must make us aware of this prior to release, particularly where the use of the information falls outside what was originally agreed with us. This is so that we can consider and assess any potential release against the Code of Practice for Statistics. Please also make us aware if you receive any requests to share or publish MI.

If you release MI publicly you would be releasing the information as a Data Controller and so it would also be your responsibility to carry out a data protection risk assessment and apply any necessary disclosure controls to the data. The NES Data Group follow Public Health Scotland Statistical Disclosure Control Protocol which describes considerations of risk that should be applied when data is being released. Your organisation may have its own policies and procedures.

Demand is an indicator that statistics are of public value. If you find you are frequently releasing management information to the public, for example, in response to Freedom of Information requests, please get in touch so we can assess whether these statistics should be made publicly available on TDI.